Getting traffic to your website is not something that normally comes automatically, but it is something you need to work for. It is simply about how much content you have on your website and how well it ranks on Google. A little simplified perhaps, but basically, quality content combined with a little time is required so that Google has time to find your articles/pages.
Then of course there are ways you can boost your traffic to your website via, for example, social media, paid advertising, etc. etc. In this article, we thought we would advise you on our eight best tips to increase traffic to your website. It should also be added that the focus will be on tips that are completely free for you.
Social media
Being active on social media is always a good way to drive traffic to your website. Be where your customers are. The more often you post content with quality and value, the more attention you get. Which also leads to more people clicking on your website. Use relevant links in your posts and encourage your fans/followers to click on them. Also remember to place a link in the bio, so visitors can easily find your website.

Blog Posts
Having blog posts or articles on your website is often an excellent way to attract traffic. A visitor to your website may not be ready to buy at the time of the visit. Then relevant blog posts can be a good way to create trust in the visitor, as well as let them get to know you and your products. In this way, you also increase the likelihood that they will come back to you when they are ready to complete a purchase.
Newsletters and mailing lists
Newsletters and mailing lists are a very good way to generate traffic to your website. For many businesses, email marketing is a given, while others find it has no effect at all. Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to get traffic and to your site that converts (read more about conversions here). Working on creating an email list can therefore be a good strategy.